X-Ray Audio with Massive Attack, Noam Chomsky, Jonsi .

Our collaboration with Massive Attack, Jonsi of Sigur Ros, Noam Chomsky, Pussy Riot and more for the University of the Underground has gone live HERE

The collection is called The Library of Dangerous Thoughts:

The project is an original concept initiated by the University of the Underground with a platform built by digital museum the Collecteurs. It aims to raise awareness against censorship and encourage plurality of thinking. It is a cultural response to state censorship and is presented as a contemporary reminder of the not-so-distant past. 'The Library of Dangerous Thoughts' is an initiative to call and inspire citizens of the world into creating pluralistic platforms, to support free education.

We have cut an Ultra-limited edition of x-ray records for auction on behalf of the University with exclusive tracks and audio by each artist or thinker.

Each record looks and sounds differently than all the rest.

Learn more HERE